ABCO Technology Gives Job Training Program Starts; Training Can Handle Up To 15 Students

Released on: May 16, 2008, 1:45 am

Press Release Author: ABCO Technology Inc

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: Update your training program skills with this very popular
training course. Provides a comprehensive training program covering the core
building blocks to support your projects from beginning to end by

Press Release Body: New job computer training options for unemployed Los Angeles
area residents were unveiled Friday. Fifteen people have been signed up for a
six-week computer skills training program that will begin Monday at the new ABCO
Technology training centre, Los Angeles Ca.

Instruction includes computer training, customer service skills, basic computer and
keyboarding, job searching and job retention training. The program was made possible
by a partnership of ABCO technology Inc and Community Living all Los Angeles.

\"This is a great example of a community partnership that has done intensive research
and found the most effective ways to provide for both the needs of local employers
and for Los Angeles-area residents who need jobs,\'\' said Mayor Randy Hope. He
described it as an \"exciting opportunity\'\' and said it was a key element in
strengthening the local economy. Graduates will complete two high school credits and
can obtain two additional credits when they acquire paid or volunteer employment.

Polly Smith of Ontario Works said a partnership with local businesses will provide
links to local employers who are hiring and participants will be shown the various
types of customer service jobs available. Smith said the program was originally
developed after discussion with area businesses that were hiring but had difficulty
finding applicants with the right skill sets.

Participants for the first session have been referred from various agencies who work
with the unemployed including Ontario Works, Walpole Island First Nations Economic
Development and Training and Community Living Los Angeles\'s job match program.

Smith said the program was piloted in Chatham in January and enabled participants to
finish their Grade 12 with most finding employment within four weeks of the

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Contact Details: ABCO Technology Inc
6733 Sepulveda Blvd #106
Los Angeles
contact no.(310) 216 -3067

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